
Steps To Take To Prevent Osteoarthritis For A Healthy Lifestyle

Steps To Take To Prevent Osteoarthritis For A Healthy Lifestyle

Arthritis can cause inflammation and pain in your joints. There happen to be about 100 different types of arthritis. The disease affects the body tissue near the joints. In some cases, it also affects the ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Is There Any Way To Prevent Arthritis

The cause of knee osteoarthritis (เข่า เสื่อม, which is the term in Thai) results from using the joints every day. As a person grows older they experience excessive tear and wear near the joint areas. One cannot fully prevent arthritis. But by taking proper care and preventive steps, they can lessen their daily stress. Taking good care can prevent every kind of problem and help one to live a healthy life.

Steps To Prevent Arthritis

Here are some common steps one can follow to get rid of arthritis.

  • Pay Attention To The Body Weight

Extra weight can cause heavy stress on your joints. In most cases, the extra fat is one of the causes of change in cartilage. Especially if you are overweight, you have to learn about losing weight.

  • Control The Sugar Level

If you have a high blood sugar level, you will increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Hence make it a point to check your blood sugar level regularly. You must also speak to your healthcare provider, who would provide you with different preventive measures to stay healthy.

  • Be Active

Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent joint problems. It will help to keep the joints healthy. Apart from that, you can also have stronger muscles. Some medical practitioners recommend regular exercises to treat arthritis. You need to speak to your medical practitioner and know about the right exercises, you can indulge in.

  • Prevent Injuries

Joint injuries may increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Especially when you exercise you need to start slowly. Each time you want to exercise, you take at least 10 minutes to warm up. During the warm-up session, you can include a few stretches and gentle movements. This process will help to prevent injuries in your ligaments, joints, tendons, and muscles.

Besides, you have to be careful with your daily activities as some of these activities may put stress on your joints.

Concluding Words

Sometimes we experience pain that lasts for more than 2 to 3 hours after exercise or any activities. During such a situation, you need to understand that you have extended your limit. If such a situation occurs, then you need to use the ice pack to get away with the pain. If the pain goes to an extent, you have to talk to your health care provider and use pain medicines and ice packs.

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