
Help! I Was Injured At Work-When and How To Lawyer Up

Help I Was Injured At Work-When and How To Lawyer Up

Workers who sustain injuries or get sick at work deserve a reliable compensation system to settle their medical bills. Severe sickness, injury, or worse, the loss of an income and the ability to earn in the future are possible outcomes a worker should expect.

Therefore, employers should have a workers’ compensation benefits package to secure the interests of their workforce. However, at times, the employer may fail to compensate the employee. When an employer or insurance provider acts in bad faith, an Indiana personal injury lawyer can lend you a hand.

 A personal injury lawyer offers a free consultation for injured workers. You can file a compensation claim for any job-related injury. Some of the common work-related injuries include:

  • injuries from machines, tools, and equipment
  • motor vehicle accidents
  • slips and falls
  • repetitive strain injuries
  • back injuries

Why hire a personal injury lawyer?

An employer should compensate you in a healthy working relationship, especially if your injuries are minor. However, not every work-related incident is an ideal situation. Depending on the prevailing circumstances, you may need a personal injury attorney’s help. Hire a personal injury attorney if the following are your circumstances:

1.  You already have a pre-existing health condition

Every worker should know that a pre-existing health condition is not a reason to disqualify them from getting sufficient compensation for work-related injuries. Your employer may use your prevailing health condition to deny you the benefits you deserve. The insurance company may argue that your health condition is responsible for your ill health, not the job.

2. Employer denies the injuries happened at your workplace

An employer may refuse to take responsibility for your injuries. However, a reliable worker’s compensation lawyer can investigate and file a comprehensive report to establish that the injuries are work-related. For instance, you need the help of a lawyer if he claims the injuries happened outside the premises or during work time. Without sufficient investigation and skill, a worker can have their rights abused.

3. An employee’s benefits are denied or delayed

Employers sometimes act in bad faith and refuse to release the necessary documents to expedite your benefits. However, most employees whose benefits are withheld by their employers fail to pursue compensation. Workers may be intimidated by their employers that they’ll lose their jobs if they get the settlement. A personal injury lawyer safeguards your interests and pursues your case. They secure the necessary evidence and ensure you get your rightful settlement.

4. The settlement benefits will hardly cover your losses

An insurance adjuster is often sent to ascertain your injuries and claim. A worker may doubt the benefits awarded in their case. Incorrect calculations mean workers can barely cover their medical expenses, lost wages, disabilities, and other damages. A personal injury attorney can help calculate the appropriate compensation value to cater to your medical bills. The lawyer also considers that you may have to pay for future medical care and other unforeseeable circumstances.

5. Your injuries prevent you from working in the future

Permanent injuries can compromise your productivity. Treating or managing severe scarring, disfigurement, and other permanent conditions can have considerable medical costs. Often, employers and insurance companies work to deny you the compensation you deserve. The amount of settlement you need means a financial loss on their part. A personal injury lawyer represents you to ensure you get long-term benefits.

6. You have a claim against a third party

Some worker’s compensation programs are designed to protect employers from civil claims. However, some rare cases warrant civil claims and earn the worker involved some benefits. A third party in a compensation claim may be a product manufacturer. A machine or equipment may have a defective component that causes your injuries.

A personal injury attorney can help ascertain that the manufacturer’s equipment caused your injuries. A lawyer can help you pursue a settlement for your losses.

7.  The employer retaliates because of your injuries

An employer can retaliate by punishing you for your injuries. An injured worker may not be as productive as before the accident. Consequently, the employer may retaliate by:

  • Reducing your working period
  • Harassment
  • Demotion
  • Termination of employment
  • Any other form of retaliatory misconduct

A personal injury attorney can help you secure your benefits when an employer invokes retaliatory tactics after work-related injuries.

8. You differ with your employer about your ability to work

An insurance provider can advise the employer to accept you back to work by modifying your duties. Some employers use this tactic to deny benefits to workers. A personal injury lawyer can review your circumstances and present evidence for your claim.  A lawyer presents medical evidence to support your right to take a leave from the job. Additionally, they pursue your interest to ensure you get a decent settlement for your inability to continue working.

9. Your employer claims that the worker’s compensation system doesn’t cover you

Some sections of employees don’t qualify for work-related compensation. A lawyer can help ascertain the truth in the employer’s claim. Speak to a personal injury attorney if you are a longshore worker, domestic worker, casual worker, or volunteer. Further, some employment circumstances warrant compensation when you talk to a lawyer. For instance, a part-time or contract worker can assess benefits if a reliable lawyer studies your employment agreement and work environment.

10. An employer does not understand the employee compensation process

Pursuing your compensation without a lawyer can be intimidating. Filing a workers’ compensation case requires a lot of documents and verification to certify your claim. Sometimes, an employer may frustrate your efforts, so you don’t sue them. Talk to a personal injury attorney if you have questions about the process. A lawyer has experience representing other employees and can help you when you have concerns.

Wrapping it up

A personal injury attorney is your number one defense against a hostile employer. An employer with work-related injuries and health complications deserves compensation. Do not suffer in silence; talk to a personal injury attorney for legal representation.

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