
What is CIAM?

What is CIAM?

The way consumers connect with brands has changed through time and this has an impact on how customers perceive satisfactory experiences. The pandemic has upended things even more, especially on how people live, shop, work, and play. 

Customers now demand a more convenient digital experience, including quick login and seamless online and mobile interaction. They are more likely to be loyal to companies that provide these while maintaining high-security standards. Having secure and positive customer service can give companies a strong competitive advantage.

Organizations can use digital identity tools to provide a better client experience. An example of this is customer identification and access management (CIAM) which can capture customer identity and develop profiles for them. It allows companies to deploy secure and seamless customer registration, consent and preference management, self-service account management, single sign-on (SSO), and online identity verification. It gives entities an opportunity to personalize their platform’s service delivery without becoming too obtrusive.

Possessing data about customer identity enables organizations to provide consistent multi-channel experience and customized interactions. Capturing this is important, so using solutions at the registration process is critical. At the same time, the process should also be smooth and secure.

A CIAM solution enables companies to capture data from their customers’ interactions with the website, applications, and partner apps, resulting in a detailed customer profile. Moreover, it also gives customers the choice on which data they will allow to share. For example,  if the customer has specified that their email address should not be shared with a partner app, this information will be excluded.

Another very prominent advantage of CIAM is it can execute a mobile identity verification faster and at a lower cost. It can even use biometric identification and data encryption to strengthen customer account security.

Learn more about CIAM and how it helps organizations in an infographic by authID.


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