
5 Tips For DIY Concrete Or Roof Waterproofing


Modern buildings for residential or commercial use can last between 50 and 100 years if property owners maintain them properly. Besides maintaining electrical systems and plumbing fixtures, they should not forget that every concrete wall and roof needs waterproofing

Waterproofing refers to the process of making something waterproof by applying a waterproofing product so it will become water-resistant. Without waterproofing, any concrete can have cracks that allow moisture to seep through, which promotes mould growth and negatively affects people’s health.

Avoid that from happening by getting a wall or roof waterproofing repair. If you prefer doing it by yourself instead of hiring a professional, make sure to do it right the first time. Below are some tips that might help you with your DIY waterproofing journey.

5 Tips For DIY Concrete Or Roof Waterproofing

1. Do Inspect The Area That Needs Waterproofing

Like a waterproofing specialist in Singapore, you should also inspect the areas that need waterproofing. A thorough inspection should give you an idea of whether there are any existing cracks or leaks that require additional attention and waterproofing applications.

If there are any existing cracks or leaks, jot them down on your notes so you know where to find them when you will begin the waterproofing process.

2. Begin With A Clean Surface

While inspecting where the cracks and leaks are, consider cleaning the areas. A clean surface is key to successful and durable concrete or roof waterproofing.

If there is still dust and debris, the waterproofing products will not stick well and cover the cracks and leaks. In other words, your DIY waterproofing will be for nought since you begin with an unclean surface.

3. Apply For Even Coverage

Once you have cleaned the surface that needs waterproofing, you may begin the waterproofing process. To guarantee you will apply an even coverage to all areas, consider spreading the waterproofing products in one direction. Think of it like you are vacuuming, which helps you guarantee you did not miss any spot where moisture might seep through.

4. Allow The Coat To Dry Before Second Application

Whether you are waterproofing your home or company in Singapore, always allow the coat to dry before adding another coat. Doing so should guarantee that the layers will not overlap with one another and that the concrete wall or roof has been waterproofed well.

5. Always Use A Primer

Using a waterproofing primer before the waterproofing process, similar to applying makeup, will help prepare the surface. If done correctly, you can expect the waterproofing coat will last longer. There will be an excellent adhesion that increases the lifespan of the applied waterproofing products.

Let the primer sit for an hour or two before applying the waterproofing products. Doing so should guarantee that substrates have sealed the surface, including the cracks and leaks, which help ready the surface for waterproofing.

Do You Need Help With Waterproofing?

Contact General Waterproofing & Service at +65 6754 4648 or leave a message on their website and let them know what kind of help you need. This waterproofing specialist in Singapore has more than 30 years of experience, so you can rest assured that your waterproofing needs are in good hands. 

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